Thursday, April 26, 2012

Making Resin

For a while last fall I was busy making resin pieces. Here is one I did for Halloween using a JABC button. I need to start up again because it is a very satisfying and fairly easy process. I just put everything away at the holidays because it is rather messy and haven't resumed it yet. Here is a link I found quickly that explains a bit more if anyone is interested:


Katrina said...

Cute, cute, cute little piece!!!! I saved the link so I can try making them :-). I think it would make a fun guild project!!!!

CATHI said...

Looks great! :o) I love Halloween!!!


Deborah said...

Thanks, Katrina, if you need more info please let me know. One tip is to use weekly coupons from Michael's to buy the resin. Much cheaper!

Sasha Blackwell said...

I love how resin jewelry can be so unique and creative.

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