Thursday, January 24, 2008

Lovebird Freebie

- 159 Gray Blue-LT
2 310 Black
* 522 Fern Green
+ 612 Drab Brown-LT
/ 793 Cornflower Blue-MD
dark forward slash 794 Cornflower Blue-LT
heart 3688 Mauve-MD
0 3689 Mauve-LT

The above is DMC floss. I used 32 natural linen (Cafe Mocha) when I stitched this piece but feel free to choose whatever you like.


mainely stitching said...

Thank you for this wonderful freebie, Deborah. I absolutely love it. Can we stitch Valentine's gifts for ourselves? LOL!

Anonymous said...

A lovely Valentine's gift! Thank you Debrorah!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful freebie ... thanks so much for offering it ... i am a big fan of your designs .. you are very talented ... karen ca

Rob said...

Thank you! I love it! Your designs are so beautiful.
I am working on Heaven Above now and Fear Not is a planned Christmas gift for my parents.

Chelle said...

Thanks a bunch for the freebie!

Deftly Wrought is done except for the mini samplers. I'm doing one every month, so I'll finish in April. It's such a great design!

Alison said...

What a beautiful little freebie! Thank you. I'll definately be making it before Valentines Day!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, thanks, Deborah! This is darling and I thinkg I'll go stitch it right now!

Thank you!

Myrna said...

Thank you for sharing your talent with us all...

Sachiko said...

Thank you for the lovely design!

Anonymous said...

Thank you , Deborah!! I stitched it over the weekend and had so much fun with it!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the freebie, I've started it and hope to be done in a day or two!
Pesky work keeps getting in the way!

Nicole said...

Thank you for the great freebie Deborah! I finished it up tonight! :) There are pictures on my blog...

Carolina Dreams

Anonymous said...

It's a lovely piece - I just saw it finished up on Nicole's blog. I think I'm going to have to stitch this one for myself.

Rachel V said...

ooh beautiful! Thank you for the sweet gift! I will definitely have to make this. :)

Natasha said...

It looks very sweet.But I Am having a tough time printing it. :(

Susimac said...

Thankyou so much for this wonderful freebie.

Bronzemom said...

I just finished mine! Thanks so much for this lovely little design!


Tanya said...

I stitched mine up this weekend and framed it - love it. Thank you for this precious birdie!


Carla said...

Thanks for the lovely freebie! On the weekend I finished mine as a small ornie :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for this lovely design!

Love from France,

Yuko said...

Thank you so much for this lovely design!
I have stitched it and finished as a Hornbook today!
Photos are on my blog now!
It's so lovely and I love it!
Of course I love your designs so much!!!
Thank you, again!

Anonymous said...

So nice ! Thank you !

Unknown said...

Please go to see(visit) on my blog
Http: //*anchorComment
I embroidered your free
And thanks you for it attractive model

Martamadrid said...

As soon as I saw it, I loved it, and adapted it to Spanish to my boyfriend. Hope you like this version :-))
You can visit it at or download the photo at .
He did love it. And, of course, THANKS A LOT for creating and sharing it.

Anonymous said...

Thank so much for this nice free !!

Anonymous said...

Tks a lot for this lovely bird, I think I'll stich it very soon.

Anonymous said...

thank you soooooooo much! this is so cute!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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COUSON said...

Very lovely chart.I love the colors too.thanks alot.COUSON

InstinctIS said...

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bbbfran/ said...

Merci beaucoup pour cette jolie grille, douce semaine. Francoise76

cidi said...

Thank you! It's one of the best freebie on line!

Dianne said...

thanks so much for the lovely free design! I've stitched it up and love it.

bonnie h said...

Thank you for the adorable freebie! I stitched it on red fabric and changed the floss colors (which I am not good at doing) but it turned out so cute!

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