Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Thank you Barb!

Barb, who is a friend of a friend called me and let me know the origins of the two samplers I found at the antique mall. The top is from The Abecedarian and is called A Colonial Garden and the bottom is from The Sampler Collection published by the publishers of Just Cross Stitch and Sampler and Antique Needlework Quarterly. One is from 1986 and the other from 1989.
Thank you so much for the info and sorry to take so long posting. I've been gone most of the week.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Antique Mall find

I had some time to spare before taking my mother to the doctor yesterday and my daughter and I went to an antique mall. Right before leaving, I looked down at a basket underneath a table and folded inside a ziplock bag found these two samplers from the 1990's. Anyone have any idea who is the designer for either piece?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Fair Kind True a la Lorraine

I met Lorraine for lunch today and was able to bring this home to scan. She did a fabulous job and used R&R Amethyst with Gentle Arts Pink Azalea, over one, love it!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Italian Freebie Site

For some reason, the site below would not post with the previous post but it's good so I'll add it here:

A few freebie sites

I haven't had time to update in a while and still don't but wanted to post something so thought I'd post a few sites with some nice freebies. Hope you enjoy!


Sajou SAL
(be sure and check out the "free" section to the left in the above link)

French House SAL

French Freebies

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